Starting strong
As part of URBANE, Bologna launched a micro-hub pilot project for the delivery of goods to make its urban center logistics more sustainable and collaborative.
After over a year of preparatory activities, which led to the installation of 3 automated micro-hubs for the transfer of goods from traditional vans to electric vehicles, the pilot project has entered the heart of its implementation. These microhubs are the first Nearby Delivery Areas in the city, foreseen by the SUMP, strategically located in areas identified near major avenues located close to the historic center: Porta San Mamolo, Via Calori and Via Berlinguer. The goal is to implement a sustainable, innovative and low environmental impact goods delivery system in urban areas.

Bologna intends to implement the actions envisaged in its SUMP, and more specifically in the metropolitan SULP (Sustainable Urban Logistics Plan) and in the municipal UTGP (Urban Traffic General Plan). The city’s role in implementing the objectives of the 2030 Agenda for green transformation and in participating in the Mission 100 cities with zero climate impact by 2030 is thus strengthened.
Having the right partners involved
The Living Lab partner’s include:
- ITL – Institute on Transport and Logistics, a public participation foundation of the Emilia-Romagna Region whose main activities concern research, consultancy and innovation to promote the development of transport and logistics in the Region
- the Municipality of Bologna, which deals with the planning, design and implementation of mobility and logistics systems and projects
- GEL Proximity, a spin-off of the Polytechnic University of Milan that offers an omnichannel technological solution to connect Proximity solutions across the territory, including Locker, PUDO (Pick-Up-Drop-Off Points) and NDA (Nearby Delivery Areas) with couriers, riders and end customers
- Due Torri S.p.a, a logistics company based in the metropolitan area of Bologna active in the distribution of goods, storage and eCommerce through the formulation of tailor-made services, customer care, ICT tools and process monitoring
- TYP, a technological transport company founded by the Arcese Group, specializing in B2C and B2B express deliveries at a national level and able to offer a digital customer experience and value-added logistics services in the main metropolitan areas.
In addition to the partners, two other key stakeholders are involved in the project: Salerno Trasporti S.r.l, with the role of last miler, a company with twenty years of experience in transport and distribution logistics services with a strong focus on the topic of environmental and social sustainability and Ricoh Italia, provider of smart services and technologies that support companies and public administration, which, in partnership with Wib, a SME that offers software services for smart lockers, is the supplier of automated micro-hubs.
The Living Lab is also supported by the Metropolitan City of Bologna through the MOVE21 Project which involves the movement of around 100 parcels per day, three logistics operators involved (TYP, Due Torri and Salerno Trasporti), a technological provider (Gel Proximity) and a company leader in the smart lockers sector (Ricoh).