What is the role of the Advisory Board?
The URBANE Advisory Board (AB) has been created to promote knowledge exchange, provide strategic advice to the consortium on upscaling URBANE’s innovative results, and ensure their exploitation.
What will the Advisory Board do?
The AB will be active during the whole duration of the project and their main activities will consist in:
1. sharing best practices and communicating about project results;
2. join technical and strategic meetings to discuss standardisation matters, business plans, and commercialisation strategies;
3. validating of the main results from the Living Labs (LLs).
Who is on the Advisory Board?
The members of the AB are professionals from:
Cardiff University: a public university in Wales (UK)
CIVINET Greece-Cyprus: an alliance for sustainable mobility in Greece and Cyprus under the auspices of CIVITAS and the European Commission (EL)
CLOSER: a neutral platform for collaboration and innovation for an efficient and sustainable freight and logistics system (SE)
Gemeente Rotterdam: the municipality of Rotterdam (NL)
IKEA Group: a Swedish multinational retailer operating its own fleet (SE)
SCANIA AB: a Swedish manufacturer of freight and bus vehicles (SE)
The Kick-off Meeting
The first meeting of the project’s AB was held on 22 June 2023. It consisted of presentations and a guided Q&A session.
During the meeting, the project team provided an overview of URBANE’s objectives, activities, and challenges as well as the role of the Physical Internet in urban logistics. The AB had the chance to voice their opinions, offer critical thoughts, and pose inquiries, which sparked conversations about how to guarantee the project’s tools and outcomes will be usable in the long term.
This first online meeting was an excellent opportunity for the team and AB to get to know each other. We hope the board will promote strong relationships, ensuring the project’s success and aiding in its outcomes’ dissemination.